Learning with Arivudamai : FAQ

Below are answers to some of the frequently asked questions we receive about Arivudamai and Arivudamai courses.

How can I access the course after completing my payment?

Once your payment is successfully completed, the online course will be automatically enabled for your account. You will be able to access the course immediately.
please log in to the website and navigate to the “My Course” section. Once there, you will find that the course has been enabled and is ready for you to access. Simply click on the course title to begin your learning experience. 

Can individuals from countries other than India access the courses?

here are no restrictions for Arivudamai courses, and they can be accessed by individuals from anywhere in the world. Whether you are located in India or any other country, you can access and benefit from the courses without any limitations.

I have completed my payment, but the course is not enabled. What should I do?

If you have completed your payment but the course is not enabled, please send a screenshot of your payment to our support team. They will promptly verify your payment and manually enable your online course for you. Please ensure that the screenshot clearly displays the relevant payment details. Our support team will assist you in accessing the course as soon as possible.
“You have multiple ways to contact our support team: through our Instagram ID, our ‘Contact Us’ page, or by sending an email to arivudamai.helpcenter@gmail.com.”

How can I make a payment from a foreign country?

Payments from foreign countries can be conveniently made through PayPal. If you don’t have a PayPal account, please get in touch with our support team, and they will provide guidance on how to proceed with manual bank transfer payments. Our team will assist you throughout the process and ensure a smooth payment experience.
“You have multiple ways to contact our support team: through our Instagram ID, our ‘Contact Us’ page, or by sending an email to arivudamai.helpcenter@gmail.com.”

How can I become a tutor in Arivudamai?

To initiate your journey as a tutor in Arivudamai, kindly get in touch with our support team and share your contact number. Our dedicated support team will reach out to you and provide comprehensive guidance throughout the process. Feel free to reach out to us and let us assist you in becoming a tutor with Arivudamai.


“You have multiple ways to contact us: through our Instagram ID, our ‘Contact Us’ page, or by sending an email to arivudamai.helpcenter@gmail.com.

Where can I go for help?

“You have multiple ways to contact us: through our Instagram ID, our ‘Contact Us’ page, or by sending an email to arivudamai.helpcenter@gmail.com.
The FAQ page addresses frequently asked doubts and provides clarifications.



